The Summer Simmer

Summer is often seen as a time that sees things slow down, rest, and often reset. While that is - and should be - true of most things, leadership at the church continue to dream, plan, and pray through a new season of ministry the coming Fall.

We’re excited to look ahead to the continued expansion of our discipleship pathways - the offerings that help us as a church meet Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) by loving and living like Jesus. These discipleship pathways help us grow as a church, you grow as a follower of Christ, and our community grow together.

Be praying for our staff and leadership as we pray for God’s voice to speak into these pathways and consider what it might look like to include ALPHA or theology classes in our discipleship processes as well as tweaked iterations of our FOLLOW and DISCIPLE training modules.

I’d ask you to do three things for yourself this summer:

(i) find rest and solitude to listen to Jesus (an hour, an afternoon, a day) and to recharge,

(ii) pray for God to reveal what kinds of discipleship elements are absent from your life

(iii) plan your Fall calendar to leave room for these incredibly important rhythms.

Have a great summer! - Pastor Jamie

Jamie Cambers

Husband. Father. Pastor. Coffee Drinker. Nerd. Flames Fan. Hot Sauce Connoisseur.

A Troubled Heart is the Gateway to Hope


Staying Connected This Summer