Staying Connected This Summer

For many of us, the summer season brings a welcome break from our regular routines, and is filled with relaxation, travel, and leisure. The pace of life is different and we can sometimes drift away from the spiritual habits we practice the rest of the year. But it doesn’t have to be that way! 

Here are some great ways you can maintain and deepen your spiritual connection this summer:

Daily Devotionals - Set aside time each day for prayer, Bible reading, and reflection. Starting or ending your day with these moments with God can keep you grounded.

Attend Church Services - even if you're traveling, try to attend local church services or join the online service from C*Road!  In our July series we will be reading from the Psalms (51, 63, 68, and 75) and then in our August Series we will read through the Book of Colossians together.

Nature Walks and Prayer - take advantage of our location and the beautiful weather by spending time outdoors marveling at God’s creation and feeling His presence.

Christian Podcasts and Music - listen to Christian podcasts, sermons, or worship music while you’re on the go. This can be a great way to stay spiritually fed and encouraged, whether you're traveling or relaxing at home.

Volunteer and Serve – acts of service are a powerful way to live out your faith and stay connected to God's call to love and help those in need.  We Love and Live like Jesus by showing care to our community.

By incorporating some of these practices into your summer routine, you can maintain a strong spiritual connection and continue to grow in your faith, no matter how busy or relaxed your summer may be.

Dani Allen

Office Administrator


The Summer Simmer


Invitation Culture