Fall is here. As we prepare for a shifting of seasons, both figuratively and literally, we need to acknowledge the reality of what change sometimes produces inside us and around us. Soon the leaves of trees will begin to change their colour, fall and wait to be raked, mulched or picked up and put into bags. In just a few short days, children and educators will return to full school mode while others of us will finally zip away on vacation now that the crowds have dissipated. Some of these pending changes may generate excitement. Others may produce anxiety, apprehension or even despair. It is entirely normal to feel some sort of emotional reaction when it comes to change.

One of my favourite sections of scripture that I turn to when change is on the horizon is Psalm 46. Consider the words of verses 1 & 10. “God is our refuge and strength” - “Be STILL, and know that I am God!” These are invitations to discover more about Jesus, even in seasons of change. In Hebrew the English Phrase “Be Still” can be translated as “stop fighting or cease striving.” Sometimes when things start to change, our immediate reaction can be to fight what is changing, because what we know and what is familiar is more comforting than the unknown. But the reality is that even what we know has already changed. No matter how hard I long for my summer to be extended and continue, the truth is fall is here, and with it arrives a whole new host of possibilities. Will I embrace the season that I find myself in by being still? Or will I lament and long for days gone by - resisting (even if this resistance is futile) that change is happening.

As I dream about the fall, my hope, prayer and desire is that our C*Road family will continue to be open to the invitations we receive from the Holy Spirit to increasingly Love and Live like Jesus. I pray that we are CHANGED to become more like Him each and every day; for He must become greater and WE must become less. Jesus is the hope of the world, both now and forever. In EVERY season, Jesus still reigns. So, let us BE STILL and know that Jesus is Lord. I invite you to prepare yourself to be changed by Jesus this fall…our best season is on the horizon, are you ready for it?


The Power of Prayer

