DISCIPLESHIP is the heartbeat of Jesus and the lifeblood of the Church. It often starts small at the personal level with Jesus and extends to the relational level with you and someone else. This is the heart behind Jesus’s words in Matthew 28 - The Great Commission to go, make, teach, baptize, and obey. We understand everybody is in a different part of their discipleship journey so we’ve created various pathways for those wanting to love and live like Jesus exactly where they are in their walk with Jesus:

Helping Fulfill the
Great Commission.

FOLLOW is an introduction to C*Road with a purpose to help you find the next steps in your faith. This post-service lunch introduces you to the mission and vision of C*Road, its pastors, ministries, and some next steps for you to grow in your faith beyond the Sunday morning service. 

D-GROUPS (Discipleship Groups) are the heart of discipleship at C*Road. John Wesley called them "bands" - voluntary groups of 2-5 people who professed a Christian faith and desired to grow in love, holiness, and discipleship. These D-groups use formational practices (reading scripture, prayer) and transformational opportunities (care, acts of service) and the “S.O.A.P” method of Bible reading/journalling. Each group is facilitated by someone who has gone through our "DISCIPLE" facilitator training. 

DISCIPLE is a four-week training course for those wanting to help fulfill Jesus' Great Commission to disciple others. We want followers of Jesus and grow in and experience Jesus outside the weekend service by learning how to disciple others and be discipled through "bands" or "D-groups" of 2-5 people through the scriptures with elements of accountability and care. 

UNIQUE GROUPS are seasonal small groups or thematic studies that address specific topics. These offerings consist of, but are not limited to, Grand-Parenting Matters, Grief Share, DayTimers (seniors), or ALPHA (coming Winter ‘25).