A Prayer Filled Adventure

5 weeks left of summer

I know naming the amount of time we have left in this beautiful summer might seem a little depressing, but it also can be seen as a gift. Five more weeks to explore, learn, grow, rest, enjoy and pray before the fall season returns. I wanted to share with you a little reminder from earlier this year about a prayer filled adventure we can engage in at any time and in every season!

Earlier this year, I was immersed in studying the life of Moses and the miracle of Jesus who fed the 5000 men (and more when you take into account the women and children) intently. I was recently asked this question, “If God would answer all of your prayers instantly, who’s life would change?” My learnings from the life of Moses and from this feeding miracle of Jesus are working to shift the answer to this question for me.

Moses learned not only to be a leader, but to be an intercessor – a prayer warrior for His nation. Jesus not only multiplied what was provided, He also reminded His disciples to give thanks for what was present, not to just look for what was missing.

Heading deeper into this summer season I want to challenge you and challenge me to become deeply rooted prayer warriors - filled with gratitude, awe, wonder, and worship. Together, let us ask God to lift our heads to discover all that He is doing, wants to do, and will do, here and now in our region.

Let us commit to interceding for people to come to know Jesus, let us commit to praying that those who are in need of work will find what they are looking for and have their needs provided. Let us pray that those who feel on the margins because of decisions they have made or circumstances beyond their control will find hope, meaning connection, community and wholeness in the name of Jesus. It’s time for an awakening in our city – and it begins with you and me becoming awakened to the reality that God is all that we need in every moment and in all ways.

Join me, prayer warriors, let’s cover every square millimetre of our city and our region in prayer these next few weeks. Take a drive, take a walk, ride a bike and pray. Lord - May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!

Be blessed! - Jason


August has arrived


A Troubled Heart is the Gateway to Hope