Along the road

During the Christmas break, my son and I were driving to Belleville for a hockey tournament. There had been a winter storm the evening before and the roads were slick in spots. Every so often we would drive by multiple cars or transport trucks who’ve gone off the road - whether from driving too fast, carelessly, or just being unlucky - the 401 had claimed some victims.

As we were days away from the new year, I began to think about how our lives can easily veer off the road of life when we take our eyes off what is in front of us, live with reckless abandon, or move too fast. Life with Jesus takes holistic discipline: mind (scripture, prayer), body (exercise, healthy habits), soul (sabbath, rest). When we live with care, don’t push ourselves too hard, and take note of the conditions around us we stay on the road - within the purpose and plan of God. 

Proverbs 3:5-6
5  Trust in the Lord with all your heart;

    do not depend on your own understanding.

6  Seek his will in all you do,

    and he will show you which path to take.

Notice how there’s a particular order to this promise. Trust the lord… Seek his will… and then the Lord will help you both see and understand the life ahead of you. This year, trust him, seek him, and He will keep you safe through any conditions.

Pastor Jamie

Jamie Cambers

Husband. Father. Pastor. Coffee Drinker. Nerd. Flames Fan. Hot Sauce Connoisseur.

Trust & Obey


Happy New Year