I AM - just words or something more?

Recently, we have been discovering the beauty and some challenging aspects within Jesus’ I AM statements. Part of being in community includes elements that both stretch and refresh us.  Sometimes we embrace these elements and truthfully, sometimes, we resist them! 

A helpful place to incorporate Jesus’ teachings and live out our mission here at C*Road is within our Disciple groups. We believe fostering a holistic approach to our faith is vital to the overall health and movement within our church. This includes groups that create space for new people, care for the needs of one another, pray, serve and open the scriptures together.

It is such a privilege to be able to hear how our Disciple groups are creating community as we learn to become apprentices of Jesus. Personally I am part of a group that has; enriched my thoughts as we have opened the Bible together, cared for my soul through prayer (and text messages) and overall been a highlight of my week! 

I understand there are fears attached to stepping out and perhaps making yourself vulnerable, but like we discovered on Sunday - Lazarus needed the support and help of his community even after being touched by Jesus, as do we!

For those of us already in groups, my encouragement to you is to keep your eyes open for the movement of Jesus in the lives of others and join him by reaching out and offering an invitation.

To anyone who is interested in a conversation about multiplication, movement & Jesus - I would love to chat...and I’ll bring the coffee (or tea)!

 Pastor Heather


The Secret Life of Trees